12 July 2022

What Is a Heat Pump, and How Does It Work?


What Is a Heat Pump, and How Does It Work?

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

Heat pumps use a compressor which uses electricity to boost natural air sources to a higher temperature. It does this by extracting heat from natural sources outside your home and transferring it into a liquid refrigerant at a low temperature.

Using electricity, the liquid is compressed to increase the temperature, and this is transferred to the indoor unit, which then passes air over the hot coolant and sent to your radiators to accommodate the thermostatic heat within your home.

Air-to-water heat pumps can also be used to heat your water so that you do not have to rely on a traditional boiler. The heat is produced in the same way and is stored in your hot water cylinder so that you can access hot water for showers or baths, and from other water faucets.

air source heat pump

Types of Heat Pumps

Air Source Heat Pump

Air source heat pump uses refrigeration technology and electricity to heat and cool your home. It is a standalone, two-component appliance that features a condenser situated on the outside of your property and an indoor unit. The two components are separated by a refrigerant line and transfer heat from the outside to warm the inside of your home or cool it.

Air source heat pumps are a more sustainable option than an air conditioning unit because they convert heat that is already present in the environment, so the system itself does not burn fuel to operate. Therefore, it is a more eco-friendly option because it does not emit any carbon dioxide, reducing your household carbon emissions.

Ground Source Heat Pump

A ground source heat pump works in a similar way but uses other energy from other elements, such as rock, soil, and water. It uses buried pipework to extract low-temperature solar energy stored in the ground or in water and transfers the cold fluid through the same refrigerant and compressor system as an air source heat pump.

The ground source is directed to a heat exchanger inside of your house, and the cold fluid is mixed with antifreeze. It is then passed through the heat exchanger, transferring the heat to the refrigerant, which continues its circuit back to the submerged pipework to begin the cycle again.  

Heat pumps

Which Heat Pump Is Better?

Both air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps create heat from renewable sources and are, therefore, a sustainable, energy-efficient way to heat your home and hot water. However, there are a few things that you should consider if you are looking to install a heat pump in your home.

Air source heat pumps are quicker, easier, and more affordable to install than ground heat pumps as they do not require any land to be dug up. Air source pumps can be installed in a matter of days, whereas ground source pumps often take a number of weeks to lay the pipes. You also need considerably less space because the external unit of an air source pump is as small as an air conditioning unit, whereas the pipework for ground source heat pumps needs to be around twice the floor area of your house.

On the other hand, whilst ground source heat pumps are practically silent, air-source heat pumps are as noisy as an air conditioning unit. However, at Jewel Renewals, our air source heat pumps have been designed to be as quiet and non-disruptive as possible. They come with a compressor ramp which can be raised or lowered and helps minimize noise.

How Efficient Are Heat Pumps?

Air to water heat pumps regularly reach 300% efficiency, over three times more than traditional boilers. When you choose an air source heat pump from Jewel Renewables, it will come fitted with an intuitive, advanced controller that allows you to monitor your energy usage and set heating schedules for your Hampshire or Surrey home.

Heat pumps use electricity, but they use less electrical energy than other heating and cooling devices because they harness natural heat to warm your home, so they are an energy-efficient way to heat your home. As an added bonus, you may even find that you save money on your energy bills when you convert from central heating to keep your home warm.

how to do heat pumps work

Heat Pumps Prices in Hampshire & Surrey

We are dedicated to making renewable energy systems as accessible as possible to help make every home more sustainable. That is why we offer competitive prices with no hidden costs!

To get a free quote or find out more about Jewel, please get in touch with us by calling 01252 939 597 or filling out our online contact form. Should you have any further questions about heat pumps, we will be happy to help!

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